Unit testable components pt.2: Redux and separation of concerns
Use global state management, like Redux
Production size codebases are completely unmaintainable if local component state is exclusively used. Don't even try. React +16.3 introduced their own global state management system, the context api. But even then, I find it to be lacking base functionality. If you want those niceties, I don't think you should reinvent the wheel when redux is so functionality-rich with a huge open source community that backs it. I use the features you get from redux to keep my components virtually free of business logic.
Opinion: Thunk is the only Redux middleware needed
There is a lot of middleware out there, but I find redux-thunk to be more than adequate for my needs.
Actions within actions: abstracting and minimizing business logic in components
Run one action inside the component, and have the action perform many operations inside it.
export class Home extends React.Component {
static whyDidYouRender: boolean
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return (
<ShowOfTheDay />
<PopularSearches />
<News />
const mapDispatchToProps = { processHomeMount }
export default connect(
() => ({}), mapDispatchToProps
That's it. But what does the redux action
const processHomeMount: types.processHomeMount = () =>
async (dispatch, getState) => {
try {
const type = getState().home.topSearches.focusedDateRange
const { endDate, startDate } = createPresentDateRange({ daysAgo: 100 })
dispatch(fetchPopularSearches({ type, limit: TOP_SEARCH_ENTRY_COUNT })),
dispatch(fetchNews({ startDate, endDate }))
} catch (error) {
throw new Error(error)
- gets a value from Redux store
- creates two sets of dates to be used as params in one of the api calls
- dispatches two actions that make API calls with a lot of business logic inside each
- try/catch error handling
are entirely different beasts on their own that also contain api calls and algorithmic logic as well
What does our business logic test look like for our
<Home />
// Home.test.jsx
import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
const processHomeMount = jest.fn()
let wrapper
describe(' ', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = shallow(<Home processHomeMount={processHomeMount}/>)
describe('componentDidMount', () => {
it('invokes home initialization process', () => {
Yes, that's it
My component testing philosophy
An explanation for part 3.
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