
Showing posts from September, 2018

My dogmatic thoughts on TypeScript

Hello, my name is Andrew and I love TypeScript. In my audacious opinion, JavaScript has some glaring issues that simply can't go away. TypeScript, on the other hand, is like a breath of fresh air to almost everything I find lacking in vanilla JavaScript. What is TypeScript? Most importantly, TypeScript has type checking. As a superset of the language, it doesn't change anything under the hood, but it has an incredible amount to offer. Type declarations The 'Type' in TypeScript is exactly this. As a web developer, I come from Ruby and JavaScript land (with a dash of R). I had no idea what beauty there is when you declare a type. A computer is a lot better at keeping track of types than I ever will. Do runtime errors even exist?: Compilation and the smart as hell linter Real time type checking. Real. Time. Type. Checking. Failing compilation is A LOT fa